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A campfire twinkles among the trees. Is that a shelter, or is it to conceal the firelight? A family huddles beside the fire, shivering as if it is much colder. Something terrible has happened....
A city drowns beneath billowing dunes, choking in the smoke of a vast wreck. The star-cruiser is shattered, her engines humming fitfully as they await someone who knows how to shut them off. The spirit drives are...
I dreamt of Ruin, sister of Death. Her brother is slow, he is patient, he is waiting. Ruin does not wait, and her arrows find your back when you least expect it. And when you are riddled...
, Art
In January 2020 I ordered an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil in what can only be retroactively described as the most virtuously-timed purchase of my life. I'd soon be without much else to do!...