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I don't remember if I explicitly said as much, but I planned from the outset to post one painting a week. For a while I was remarkably consistent about this, and with good reason: I...
, News
I have heard that space is humanity's final frontier. It's strange to think about. We will someday settle that frontier, if we do not kill ourselves first and if an unknowable interstellar intelligence...
She says less than most people, offering no opinions, asking no questions. Her eyes betray not a single glimmer of curiosity, but they never leave yours. She barely blinks. She listens, as if it a chore which...
The sound of something sludgy trickling down stone. The odor of copper and incense. A boat groans as it rubs against its mooring. Above, you can hear the clarion tones of the terrestrial spheres as they hang...